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100005 Never quit

Never Quit!.

Hopefully an inspiring quote to carry on.

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600013 Love is blind

Love is blind. Get married and recover your eyesight.

That is one way of doing it - but perhaps not the first choice of an optician.


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800001 Romance - Evening courses for men.

1: Romance - More than just a movie on theTV

2: I don't know? Be the first man to admit it.

3: Inviting her out to eat - How to drive past the local grill.  

Course score: Failed

(My wife made me wear this) 

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200005 The tongue is small - Yet it can destroy a huge man.

A reminder from Japan not to underestimate wisdom against brute force.

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600020 I never repeat a mistake - I make new ones  - all the time.

It feels that way for me too - except that I also tend to repeat the old ones -  How about you?

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600017 People who snore

People who snore always fall asleep before all others - That's so unfair.

Ever tried to share a cabin with three people who snore? It changes your personality - but not in a good way. 

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400017 Today I want to be part of the change

Today I want to be part of the change I hope to see in the world.

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700001 VIKING - Unjust man prospers ill.

VIKING - Unjust man prospers ill.

A quote from Grettirs saga.

A series featuring quotes taken from the old norse sagas and contemporary writings.  

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200022 I am the like the sun

I am like the sun. I slowly rise and at noon I am ready to shine.

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600005 Don't be a dream stealer

Don't be cruel or destructive. Be kind to the part of humanity who needs it. Like men for instance.

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600001 I am no artiste

I am no artiste - but on a good day I can rock my ears

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400007 Today I want to be the reason

Today I want to be the reason that someone smiles

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400001 The feeling in your gut

The feeling in your gut is a message from a better world

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800014 Evening courses for men

Evening courses for men.

1: Accept your limitations! - Just because you have the tools in the garage does not at all mean you can repair it too.

2: Yours, mine, ours. - Learn how to share the remote control. 

Course score: Failed 

(My girl made me wear this) 

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600011 Money does not smell

Money does not smell - but it evaporates!

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200003 Victory makes us proud

Victory makes us proud. Defeat makes us learn.

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600021 Support natural gas!

Support natural gas!  Eat more beans!

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600009 Help the thugs!

Help the thugs! Beat yourself.

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